A family of interdependent churches.

The Jesse Tree: Day 1


Why is there something rather than nothing? Why do we have life? Lungs to breathe, legs to run, and light to see a world filled with beauty. Earthworms crawling in the dirt, bright red poppies mingling in the breeze, planets whirling through companies of stars, and chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Why is all this here? Why is there something rather than nothing?
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." 
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning, there was nothing. And then God spoke, and the vibrations of his words begot time and space. God shaped the planets like Play-Doh and sent them spinning across the ages like well-flicked quarters on a table. Then God lit the wicks of the stars, igniting our burning constellations. And God spoke the sun and moon into being.

In our own world, this home set amidst the heavens, God stirred the soil as an artist swirls paint with a brush, and brought forth life. The seas and skies swarmed with life; beasts roamed the continents; and stalks and leaves bore fruits in abundance. And it was all good.
"Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.'" 
Genesis 1:26
Humanity’s task was to oversee creation, to cultivate and enjoy its flourishing. Unfortunately, we failed. And the result was suffering for all of humanity and creation. The poppies and worms, the streaking comets and roasting chestnuts—they suffer because of humanity’s failure.

But not without hope.

Which is why the herald star cried aloud in the night sky, shining in brilliant proclamation, about this newborn king in Bethlehem. Which is why the sheep, as well as the shepherds, were the recipient audience of that heavenly host, the angel choir singing to the glory of this newborn king. Which is why those crowding the delivery room, that tumbledown old stable, were not kings and emperors but horses and donkeys and livestock. Trying to catch a glimpse of hope’s arrival, that newborn king, Jesus Christ.

And in the same way, still, creation longs for His return. To quote the Apostle Paul:
“Creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God,” for the restoration of its original intended flourishing. Because when that day finally comes, “Creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.” 
Romans 8:19, 21
And no longer will there be suffering, sickness, or death—anymore. To this end, all of creation groans, longing with hope, for that awaited hour.

Pause to reflect

God created a world filled with good things for us. What are some of the pieces of creation that you’re thankful for?

Creation longs for the return of Jesus because that’s the only thing that will bring true restoration. What’s an area of life that makes you long for Jesus’ return, His second Advent?

1 Comment

Brenton - December 1st, 2023 at 6:55am

I can't wait till God reorders the disorder, I can't wait till I can truly see His purpose for everything! Come Lord Jesus, Come!!