A family of interdependent churches.

The Jesse Tree for Families: Day 3


Genesis 6:5-14, 7:-5, 7:17-8:12, 9:1-17
As the world kept growing, unfortunately sin kept growing. The more people sinned, the more the world became more broken, angering God. God would send a big flood to destroy the earth to start all over again. But God, because He is kind, decided to preserve the goodness of His creation. He would restore the earth, and to help, He would use a man named Noah. Noah was not perfect, but When God called out to him, Noah listened and obeyed what God had asked. He told Noah His plan to flood the earth, but God also told him to build an ark, a gigantic boat, big enough for his family and 2 of every animal on earth. After the flood, there was hope for Noah and his family. God sent a rainbow as His promise to never flood the earth again. There was new life and a promise for blessing ahead. But sin was never fully washed away. The world still needed a Rescuer from sin.

Family Thoughts

God would continue His plan to bring the Savior, Jesus to bring a final end to sin, so it will not hurt us anymore. The ark reminds us that while God cannot tolerate sin, He is always making a way to save us from it. So, just as the ark protected Noah and his family through the flood, so Jesus also protects us on that day! And no matter how hard things are, we can trust that Jesus is our boat that keeps us safe from the flood, and we can rest in Him. 

Family Connect

It was an honor for Noah to be chosen by God to do this very important job of building the ark. What do you think your important job is for God? 

Pause to pray

Pray as a family thanking God for keeping His promises and for rainbows that remind us.

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