A family of interdependent churches.

The Jesse Tree for Families: Day 5


Genesis 22:1-19

God promised Abraham a family. God had given Abraham and Sarah a gift—their son, Isaac. Isaac was their joy and delight. They treasured their son, and loved him more than anything.

God spoke to Abraham, asking him to make a sacrifice of his son. God was testing Abraham because he obeyed God in all he did. Abraham knew what he had to do. Abraham and Isaac set off on a 3 day journey to Mount Moriah, where Isaac was to be sacrificed to God, Isaac carrying the wood for his own sacrifice. When father and son reached the top of the mountain, Abraham built the altar, laid down all the wood and tied up his son with rope. He laid his son on the altar, taking a knife in his hand. Abraham heard a voice from the heavens.
“Abraham! Abraham! Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.”
Genesis 22:12

Family Thoughts

In this story, we learn about sacrifices. A sacrifice is something you do to show someone how much you care about them, like letting a friend play with your favorite toy or sharing your snack with someone. We make sacrifices for God too, to show our love for Him. God had a plan when He asked Abraham to give his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice. But then right before Abraham did, God stopped him and provided another sacrifice, a ram.

God always has a plan for the salvation of His people. God made a sacrifice for us, the greatest sacrifice there ever was, His Son Jesus. Jesus is the sacrificial lamb that Isaac searched for on the mountain. Jesus carried his wood, the Cross to where He was sacrificed. He did so to show us how much He loves us, and so we could be with Him forever.

Family Connect

God also loves it when we make sacrifices for other people, to show how much we love them. Think about your most favorite thing you own. If God asked you to give it away, would you be able to?

Pause to pray

As a family, thank God for sending Jesus to be the perfect sacrifice that we need to take away our sin. Ask in prayer, for help to trust God more each day and to always obey His plans.

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