A family of interdependent churches.

The Jesse Tree for Families: Day 6


Genesis 28:1-22

Isaac grew up to have a son of his own, named Jacob, Abraham's grandson. Jacob wronged his own brother and had to run away from his family for fear of his life. During his journey, Jacob came to place to lay for the night thinking of all the good things he had to leave. On this one night, God visited Jacob and spoke to him in a dream and showed him a vision - a symbol of God’s promise.

Jacob dreamed of a ladder standing on the ground, but reaching far up into the heavens. There were angels going up and down it. At the very top stood God. From there, God spoke to Jacob reminding him of the promise given to Abraham and Isaac, that all nations would be blessed through his family.

Family Thoughts

Jacob was special, just like his grandfather, for he was able to speak to God also. In this story, we read about Jacob’s dream, the dream of a ladder that reached from the ground all the way up to heaven! In the dream, Jacob looked up and saw God standing at the top of the ladder. God spoke and promised Jacob that he would bless him and his family, and that he would always be with him.

This ladder was a picture of heaven and earth being reconnected, since they had been torn apart by sin.

At Christmas, we celebrate that Jesus is the ladder, connecting and reconciling us with our heavenly Father. Because of Jesus, one day, heaven and earth will be fully reconnected. And sin won’t ever again tear them apart.

Family Connect

Do we need a ladder to get to heaven? If not, what do we need to get to heaven?

Pause to pray

As a family, thank Jesus for being our ladder and bringing heaven and earth back together again.

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