A family of interdependent churches.

The Jesse Tree for Families: Day 7


Genesis 37, 45:4-11, 50:15-21

Joseph was one of many sons of Jacob. Although Jacob had 12 sons, he loved Joseph the most. Jacob, showing his love for Joseph, gave him a very expensive, fancy, colorful coat. Joseph also received dreams from God, showing he was destined for greatness in his future.

Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him and hated him. They wanted to kill him, but they instead sold him as a slave to Egypt. The horrible actions of his brothers had a life changing effect on Joseph. He didn’t see his father for years and he never saw his mother again. These things were very sad for him and Joseph didn’t understand why God was letting all of this happen.

But, God had a plan to protect Joseph. What others meant for harm against Joseph, God meant for good. We see that God’s hand never left Joseph. God allowed Joseph to have a powerful position in Egypt and made him a strong and wise leader where he saved everyone from starving. This allowed him to save many people, including his brothers.

Family Thoughts

Sometimes things happen in life that are painful and sad. They hurt us, and it can be hard to understand why God lets them happen.

It doesn’t mean that sad things are good or okay. But it does mean that God uses the sad things in our lives to make good things happen. When something sad happens to you, ask God to use it to make something good.

God was able to help save Joseph’s family, God’s people. Joseph’s brother Judah is part of the family Jesus came from. Once again, as God protected Joseph and his family, God had a plan to bring us a Savior, Jesus Christ, who is our protector and provider.

Family Connect

Can you think of a time where you felt God’s protection?

Pause to pray

Pray as a family to work together to be kind to one another and to others, just like God was to Joseph. 

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