A family of interdependent churches.

The Jesse Tree for Families: Day 8


Exodus 2:1-25, 3:1-14

Many years after Joseph, God’s people were still living in Egypt, but now as slaves. God wanted to rescue His people and bring them to the land He had promised.

When Moses was a baby, God saved him from the Nile River. And when Moses grew up, God saved him from the anger of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt.

God saved Moses for a very important reason: to rescue God’s people from slavery. Moses tried to do this on his own once, and failed miserably. It went really bad. But then years later, God talked to Moses from a burning bush and shared his special plan to bring God’s people back from Egypt. It wouldn’t be easy for Moses, but God was with him, and Moses gets it done and this time, it worked. God used Moses to rescue God’s people from slavery.

Family Thoughts

It did not matter if Moses was not wise, strong enough, or if he was not a skilled leader. What mattered was that God was with him, just as He had always been, ever since that day he was found floating in the reeds of the Nile River.

The same is true for us—what matters more than the good things we do or how smart we are or how great we can play a sport, is that God is with us. We can follow the call of God, not because we are great, but because He is with us and He rescues us.

Remember, just like Moses, someone else came to rescue God’s people again. Jesus is I AM who spoke to Moses, who delivers us from slavery of sin.

Family Connect

Who helps you and makes you feel safe? How?

Pause to pray

Pray as a family, thanking Jesus for saving and rescuing us from sin.

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