A family of interdependent churches.

The Jesse Tree for Families: Day 9


Exodus 12:1-42

The Israelites looked to Moses as their deliverer, the one who would help them and set them free from slavery. He would bring them to their true home, the land of Israel, a land promised to their father, Abraham.

In preparation for this deliverance and journey home, they had something called the Passover. God asked the Israelites to cover their doorways with the blood of a lamb so that He might “pass over” their homes, and they would be spared from judgment. After they did this, that very night of the Passover, God used Moses to deliver them from Egypt. And eventually, he brought them home.

Family Thoughts

When Moses told the Pharaoh of Egypt to let God’s special family go, Pharaoh refused. God sent awful plagues to Egypt to change the Pharaoh’s mind, but he wouldn’t budge. God sent one final plague, a horrible plague that killed all the first-born children in each Egyptian family. But God’s special family was protected by a special sacrifice.

Though God used Moses, he was not the final deliverer. His life was “an illustration of the truths God would reveal later” - Hebrews 3:5. Another was still to come who would deliver His people from not only physical, but spiritual slavery as well. But unlike Moses, Jesus is the Passover Lamb, whose blood takes away the sins of the world.

This Advent season, look to Jesus, the greater deliverer!

Family Connect

Family history time! Name as many first borns in both mom and dads side of the family as far back as you can go.

Pause to pray

Pray as a family, thanking God for His awesome power that only He has to save His people.

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