A family of interdependent churches.

The Jesse Tree for Families: 11


Joshua 1:1-11, 6:1-20

The Israelites had wandered in the desert for 40 years, always longing to go home. And now finally, they were almost there. But one thing still stood in their way—Jericho.

After Moses died, God chose a man named Joshua, to lead the people into the land he had promised them. Jericho was a towering fortress, with soaring ramparts and thick iron gates. The Israelites were no match for Jericho, which meant that now they might never go home.

But, when they came to the city of Jericho, God gave Joshua a special battle plan that didn’t include swords or fighting. God wanted seven priests and the soldiers to walk around the city blowing ram’s trumpets. After seven days of marching and blowing their trumpets, they would stop and shout! God promised to bring the walls of Jericho down if they did. And God did just that! Joshua and God’s people defeated Jericho that day!

Family Thoughts

God’s plan and promise may seem a bit strange, how can trumpets, marching and shouting bring down a whole wall surrounding a city? Nothing is impossible with God and He was at work. Joshua trusted Him and God cleared the path to a home for His people.

In the same way that God took down Jericho with a trumpet, Jesus took down the obstacles that separated us from God in His death. Jesus is the trumpet that brings down the walls of sin and hostility in our hearts.

Family Connect

God brought His people into the land He promised Abraham. This would be their new home. If you could live anywhere and make a new home, where would it be and who would be with you? Why?

Pause to pray

Pray as a family thanking God for His power that amazes us, his power that saves His people and keeps His promise.

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