A family of interdependent churches.

The Jesse Tree for Families: 13


Samuel 8:1-22

Samuel, the prophet, had functioned as Israel's leader for decades. Their true king was God, but Samuel spoke for God, but with Samuel growing older, the people wanted a more stable form of leadership. They wanted a king—a human king.

When God’s people looked around the nations surrounding them, they noticed something. Everyone was ruled and led by a human king. But the Israelites didn’t have a king, at least not like these other nations.

God gave them their wish, and Saul became their king, seemingly Israel’s best candidate to lead the nation. However, as Samuel knew, Saul became just one king in a line of many who would, again and again, let Israel down, leading them into all kinds of mean and bad things.

Family Thoughts

The Israelites didn’t follow God as their leader and instead asked Samuel to find a king to lead them. Samuel, a prophet who listened to God and spoke God’s words for the people, warned them of the problems that would come if they had a king.

Appointing Saul as king was just the beginning of a line of royalty that would eventually bring about Jesus, the one true King. But this “Prince of Peace” would lead not out of corruption and greed, but from humility and mercy (Isa. 9:6). Unlike the kingdoms that people build, always rising and falling, this kingdom would have no end. This King is Jesus.

Sometimes you might think that God only asks grown ups to follow and obey him. But God actually cares about kids a lot too, and speaks to them as well. Take Samuel for instance—when God called Samuel, he was just a boy. But Samuel listened and God used him in incredible ways. And the truth is, just like God spoke to Samuel, He can also speak to you!

Family Connect

How can you practice listening to God?

Pause to pray

Pray as a family, confessing how we are tempted and deceived by the desires of the people around us. Pray for forgiveness when at times, we think our plans are better than His.

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