A family of interdependent churches.

The Jesse Tree for Families: 15


1 Kings 18

There was a new king in Israel, Ahab. And this was anything but good news. He was an evil king, who built an altar for Baal, the Canaanite god, promoting worship of this false god throughout the kingdom and turning people away from the True God.

So God called the prophet Elijah to bring them back. He challenged the priests of Baal to a contest, seeing whose god can set the offering on an altar on fire.

The priests of Baal called and called on their god, but nothing happened. When it was Elijah’s turn, he dumped water over everything, to make it harder! He really wanted to make sure he got the people’s attention and they believed! He prayed and immediately God sent down flames from heaven that burned everything up! And boy did that get the people’s attention. They turned away from being wicked and followed God again!

Family Thoughts

The showdown between Elijah, the great prophet of Israel, and the prophets of Baal was remarkable. But really, it was never a contest between prophets. It was a contest of gods. The question for the people was, who would they trust? Who would they hope in? The LORD or Baal? God demonstrated that He alone is the One True God.

What we also see in the story is that the LORD responds, while other gods don’t. Despite the energy and attention, and the worship we give to other “gods” in our lives, they can’t deliver. They can’t respond and save us the way God can.

And just as God responded to Elijah against all other unresponsive gods, by sending down fire, he sent down His Son to us, Jesus, who is God’s response in a world of unresponsive gods. So now we can place our hope in him.

Family Connect

The story of Elijah reminds us that God is powerful, but also that he hears us and responds. Can you remember a time when God has responded to your prayer? How can you place your hope in Jesus today?

Pause to pray

As a family, thank God that He always hears us when we pray.

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