A family of interdependent churches.

The Jesse Tree for Families: Day 20


Luke 1:39-45

Elizabeth, the cousin of Mary was unable to have children, but God did a miracle in her. She was old enough to be a grandma, but God allowed her to become pregnant. She too would have a special baby.

Elizabeth never thought she would have a child, but God was so kind to her. And now she was going to have a son. This was too good to be true, but it was true!

Her son would have a very important job—he was a prophet. He would tell everyone that Jesus was sent by God to save the world. Before John was born Elizabeth felt John in her tummy jump for joy because he knew Jesus was close.

Family Thoughts

The son that Elizabeth was carrying would be a messenger to the people. His messages would prepare the way for the Savior. He would be called John the Baptist and his job was to point people to Jesus.

Elizabeth recognized that Jesus is Lord and was amazed at the miraculous ways she saw God carrying out His promised plan. She blessed Mary for believing that God was going to do something greater than she could ever imagine. Elizabeth trusted God and believed.

Family Connect

What do you think God wants you to believe, even if it sounds too good to be true?

Pause to pray

As a family, thank God, praising Him for His good plans and for preparing a way for His Son, Jesus, to rescue us from sin.

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