A family of interdependent churches.

The Jesse Tree for Families: Day 21


Luke 1:45-56

God sent an angel to Mary. The angel told Mary that she would have a Son, but he would be no ordinary son, she was to name her Son Jesus, and He would be great. God had chosen Mary because she was beautiful inside and out, and loved God. She would carry and care for God’s own Son.

Mary rejoiced to be part of God’s great plan to save the world from sin. She was happy that God had chosen to bless her with this very special Son.

Mary was so full of praise for God that she glorified God with a song of His greatness and goodness to her. Mary was humble and saw God’s choosing her to carry the Savior a very special honor.

Family Thoughts

Mary gave birth to a Son who would not inherit humanity’s sinful broken nature; instead, He would be the holy and blameless Son of God. Mary put her joy on the promise of the angels. She knew that God would be kind to her and all people because of the baby she would have. Her joy was so great that she just had to sing about it!

Our hope falls on the pure and sinless nature of Jesus. Jesus took on our sin so that we too could be viewed as holy and blameless. And just as Mary responded with joy and praise, we too should be overwhelmed with joy as we find Jesus. Jesus is the reason for the joy and hope of Mary and all who follow Him. Things were beginning to change! God was beginning to set all things right in the world through His very own Son on earth with us!

Family Connect

Mary sang a song to help her remember God’s love for her, this is known as “The Magnificat.” What song can you sing to remind yourself that Jesus loves you too?

Hint: Jesus Loves Me :)

Pause to pray

Pray as a family for your mother, thank God for them and the important job they do. Ask the Lord to use your mother to fulfill His great plan in your life!

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